The Hagoromo Legend

In Shizuoka, a majestic old tree stands there. A fisherman found
the tenyo's hagoromo (feather cloak) there. Seeing that no one w
as around and that it was nice looking, he decided to keep it. Ceres
asked the fisherman to give it back. He refused, but they eventually
had children together.

Ceres was still upset that the fisherman never gave her her cloak back.
To get even with him, she appears in her female descendants
conciousness on their sixteenth birthday and takes over them. She
wanted her hagoromo so she could transcend time and death itself.

This time she appeared in Aya Mikage's conciousness. The Mikage's
have been making a fortune because of their celestial heritage. Unfor-
tunetly, the fisherman has come back to in Aya's twin brothers