Kaoru Kamiya
age: 17

Sanosuke Sagara
age: 19?

Yahico Myoujin
age: 10

Himura Kenshin
age: 29

This is the main group that Kenshin spends his life with. All of them know how to fight.
Himura aka as Hitokori Battousai is an excellent swordsman in the Hitem Mitsurugi style,
Kaoru is a master of the Kamiya Kashinru, and Sano is also good with his fist. He used to
own a sword, a very big ugly sword, but Kenshin sliced it.

Himura and Kaoru met when Goki was trying to ruin Kaoru's dojo. She did't find out until
the end that he was hitokori battousai, but she didn't care by then.

Yahico was a theif that Kenshin caught. When Yahico learned that he didn't owe any
money to the group that held him, he tried to leave and was rescued by Kenshin and Kaoru.

Sanosuke is one of the last two surviving members of the Sekihoutai group. He wanted
to fight Kenshin and have his revenge on the royalist that betrayed his group.