Megumi is a talented doctor and she is 22. Before she
officially became a doctor, she made opium for Kanryuu.
Kanryuu thought he was the leader of the Oniwabanshi, but
nobody recognized that fact. After Megumi was rescued by
the Kenshin-gumi, she became a doctor to help the people.
She trained under Dr. Gensai. Since she was a female, no
one took her seriously.

Kenshin is a dear friend to her, and treats him extra special.
This makes Kaoru jealous. In reality, Megumi doesn't mind
Kenshin and Kaoru's relationship but she likes to play around
with Kaoru's feelings.

Because of Megumi's healing expertise, Kenshin was saved
after his battle with Shishio, even though it took six months.
Megumi cares a lot about Sanosuke as well. At the wishing well,
she wished that he had a brain.