Sailor Senshi

*Now playing Moon Revenge*
Sailormoon was a good show to watch in any language except english. No offense to the voice actors, but a lot of things were cut out in the english version and that did give sailormoon a bad name. The sailormoon series is long but well worth the watch. It's main focus was around finding Princess Serenity but moved on to saving the world from evil from aliens and other people. Four Sailormoon movies were released, and most of the same characters are in it, except for Saturn. I was disappointed. I wanted to see Saturn's henshin (transformation).

Inner Senshi
In the inner senshi, we have Sailor Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Moon. They have the least amount of power compared to the other senshi groups, but they never give up. On James's page, he insulted Sailor Jupiter by saying she was the ugliest senshi. I don't think any of them are ugly. They're all unique in their own way. Their main goal is to protect Princess Serenity.

Outer Senshi
I will admit that the outer senshi are just a bit different. They are much stronger than the inner senshi, and their goals are different than theirs. But they do protect Princess Serenity, just in the background. They are older than the inner senshi, and a bit more serious. Their all different ages unlike the other group, and they each have their own weapon. It is said that Uranus and Neptune were gay, but that's only in the mind of the watcher. Their's no proof that it's true and in asian culture, their behavior is acceptable.

Star Lights
The Star Lights have some pretty neat songs. Their concert with Michiru was fabulous, in my opinion. Their only goal is to find their princess. In order to do that, they formed their own music group and tried to reach her through their song. Seiya, otherwise known as Sailor Starfighter, had a bit of a crush on Usagi-chan. That caused some problems between the Star Lights and the outer senshi.

Luna and Artemis
Luna found Sailormoon and enlisted her aid to find Princess Serenity. In doing so, she formed the Inner Senshi. Artemis found Sailor Venus and joined the group later on. The two cats remember everything about their live on the moon kingdom and they are sort of the senshi's adviser. Their future daughter is called Diana, and she's Chibi Usa's cat. She's adorable.

Chibi Usa and Chibi Chibi
Chibi Usa is Usagi-chan's daughter that came to the past to look for her or the silver crystal. Chibi Usa can cook better than Usagi and her personalities almost as strange as Usagi's. The also fight like sisters. Chibi Chibi is a really cute person who says the same phrase over and over again. Mainly because she doesn't know how to talk. In actuality, she isn't really human and her grown up form is really beautiful. She's Sailor Galaxia's star seed, the light of hope that was directed to sailormoon.

Mamoru Chiba
Oops, I might have spelled his last name wrong. Gomen. Mamoru, or "Mamo-chan", is Usagi-chan's boyfriend. In the past, he was Prince Endymion and in the future he's the king of Crystal Tokyo along with Neo Queen Serenity. In a fight, he becomes Tuxedo Kamen and helps out usually by distracting the enemy long enough for Sailormoon to eliminate him/it/them with her sceptor power.

[Inner Senshi Outer Senshi]